Weekly Update// Pastor Will
Hi, friends!
I hope you are all safe and returning to life as usual after this storm. In these moments, it is easy to feel overwhelmed with how much devastation and havoc this has caused, not only on a personal level but for those who lost everything. For my family and me, we prioritized making sure everyone was safe and headed to our in-laws in Melbourne. Before we headed out, we made sure to grab a few invaluable items to take with us for safekeeping. Even days after the wind and rains have subsided, I hear some places have yet to experience the full effects of the storm. I heard one heartbreaking report saying that flood waters could continue to rise all the way till Wednesday of next week, the 12th. Hopefully, this is enough time for most to prepare and keep themselves and their families safe. We of course will continue to pray for those affected as well as support local efforts for repair. If you would like to make a donation, our United Methodist Committee on Relief, or UMCOR, is a great place to do so. One hundred percent of all donations go toward relief. You can donate through their website at umcmission.org/give, or you can donate to the church and note it is for UMCOR or Hurricane Relief, and we will make sure it goes to the right place.
Coming up at Asbury, we have a few action-packed weeks starting with our Spanish Dinner this Saturday, October 8th, the 30th annual Rummage Sale the following weekend, October 14th and 15th, and then the Fall Festival two weeks later on Friday, October 28th. All information for the respective events can be found in the email below or on our Upcoming Events page on our website. However, don’t hesitate to reach out or call the front office if you have any questions.
Last but not least, this Sunday we begin our new sermon series titled “Grace Encounters” where we will explore three different interactions in the Gospel of John that Jesus had with people involving grace. This Sunday, Pastor Chris is focusing on the story of Jesus and Peter on the beach titled “Grace that Covers Failure.” We hope you can join us at our Celebration (Contemporary) Service at 9:30am, or at our Traditional Service at 11:00am, both of which are live-streamed. In the meantime, God-blessed and stay safe. We will see you all soon!
Pastor Will